brannen 's learns french 9
Present re verbs

Vendre=sell the staem vend

Je vends                                                                      i sell

Tu vends                                                                     you sell

Il/Elle/on vend                                                          he/ she sells

Nous vendons                                                          we sell

 vous vendez                                                           you sell

ils/elles vendent                                                     they sell


brannen vends les chein

brannen sells dogs

bob est moi vendons les chien

bob and  i sell dogs

attendre=to wait steam attendre

j’attends                                                                     I wait

tu attends                                                                 you wait

il/ellle /on attend                                                    he /she waits

nous attendons                                                       we waits

vous attendez                                                          you wait

ils/elles attendent                                                  they wait


brannen doit attends

brannen has to wait

bob est moi doit attends

bob and i have to wait

present ir verbs

dire-to say steam is dis

je dis                                                                         I say

tu dis                                                                        you say

il/elle/on dit                                                          he/she says

nous disons                                                           we say

vous dites                                                              you say

ils/elles disent                                                      they say


brannen dis de le faire

brannen says to do so

bob ets moi disons de le faire

bob and i say to do so

ecrire-to write  steam ecri

j’ecris                                                                    I write

tu ecris                                                                you write

il/elle/on ecrit                                                    he/she write

nous ecrivons                                                    we write

vous ecrivez                                                       you write

ils/elles ecrivent                                               they write


brannen ecris un lirve

brannen writes a book

bob est moi ecrivons un lirve

bob est I write a book

lire=to read steam li

je lis                                                                    I read

tu lis                                                                   you read

 il/elle/on lis                                                     he/she reads

nous lisons                                                       we read

vous lisez                                                         you read

ils/ells lisent                                                   they read


brannen lis un lirve

brannen read a book

bob est moi lisons un lirve

bob and I read a book

 2:26 french-canadian accents
  • 54 minutes ago
  • 1 view
learn to say simple french-canadian accents.
If you're really set against the international keyboard, you can type accented characters with ALT codes, which use the ALT key and a 3 or 4 digit code. However, ALT codes only work with the numeric keypad, NOT the row of numbers across the top of your keyboard. So they won't work on a laptop unless you hit number lock to activate the number pad "built into" the right-side of your keyboard, which is a big hassle because then the letters won't work. Bottom line, if you're on a laptop, choose a different keyboard rather than messing around with ALT codes.

To type accents with ALT codes, hold down the ALT key, then on the numeric keypad type the three or four digits listed here. When you release the ALT key, the character will appear.

a with grave accent

   à ALT + 133    À  ALT + 0192                                      

a with circumflex

   â  ALT + 131      ALT + 0194

a with tréma

   ä  ALT + 132    Ä  ALT + 142

a e ligature

   æ  ALT + 145    Æ  ALT + 146

c with cedilla

   ç  ALT + 135    Ç  ALT + 128

e with acute accent

   é  ALT + 130    É  ALT + 144         

e with grave accent

   è  ALT + 138    È  ALT + 0200

e with circumflex

   ê  ALT + 136    Ê  ALT + 0202

e with tréma

   ë  ALT + 137    Ë  ALT + 0203

i with circumflex

   î  ALT + 140    Π ALT + 0206

i with tréma

   ï  ALT + 139    Ï  ALT + 0207

o with circumflex

   ô  ALT + 147    Ô  ALT + 0212

o e ligature

   œ  ALT + 0156   Œ  ALT + 0140

u with grave accent

   ù  ALT + 151    Ù  ALT + 0217

u with circumflex

   û  ALT + 150    Û  ALT + 0219

u with tréma

   ü  ALT + 129    Ü  ALT + 154

mac french accents
Note: In these instructions, "and" means to keep holding the option key and the first key listed while typing the second. "Then" means to release the option key and the first key before typing the second.

acute accent

  é   Hold option key and e then e

grave accent

  à, è, ù   Hold option key and ` then a, e, or u


  ç   Hold option key and c


  â, ê, î, ô, û   Hold option key and i then a, e, i, o, or u


  ë, ï, ü   Hold option key and u then e, i, or u

oe ligature

  œ   Hold option key and q

ALT + ALT + à 133    À 0192 â 131  0194 ä 132 Ä 142 æ 145 Æ 146 ç 135 Ç 128 é 130 É 144 è 138 È 0200 ê 136 Ê 0202 ë 137 Ë 0203 î 140 Î 0206 ï 139 Ï 0207 ô 147 Ô 0212 œ 0156 Œ 0140 ù 151 Ù 0217 û 150 Û 0219 ü 129 Ü 154